Why Diet Before Weight Loss Surgery?

All weight loss surgeries require changes to your diet. By making healthy choices before surgery, you can prepare your body for the procedure, improve your recovery and lose weight faster.

At Houston Weight Loss Surgery Center, we often ask patients to start a low-calorie, high protein liquid diet before surgery. Losing weight before surgery helps your body use its glycogen/fat stores, which shrinks the liver and makes surgery easier and safer.

The length of your low-calorie, high protein liquid diet will depend on your height, weight and type of procedure. The time frame is set based on your situation and how much weight you need to lose before surgery.

Benefits of dieting before surgery

By losing weight before surgery, you’ll spend less time in the operating and recovery rooms. You will also be less likely to have health problems after surgery. Dieting before surgery also helps to:

  • Shrink liver and stomach fat
  • Prepare you for the diet guidelines after surgery
  • Reduce health risks after surgery

Drink at least three high-protein supplements per day.

Allowed foods:

Unlimited 2-3 servings per day: Three servings per day: Protein supplements Choose four servings of the following per day:
  • Water
  • Crystal Light
  • Decaffeinated coffee or tea


  • ½ cup Sugar-free Jell-O
  • ½ cup Sugar-free popsicles


  • 1 scoop of whey protein isolate mixed with 1 cup skim milk
  • 1 scoop of whey protein isolate mixed with 1 cup diet juice
  • 1 scoop of whey protein isolate mixed with ½ C Cream of Wheat
  • 1 cup skim Milk
  • 1 cup low-sodium tomato juice
  • ½ cup sugar-free pudding
  • ½ cup Low-fat or 2% cottage cheese
  • ½ cup Non-fat plain Greek yogurt
  • ½ cup Cream of Wheat