Gastric sleeve surgery consists of cutting out the lateral part of the stomach. The result is a sleeve like or banana shaped stomach. A smaller stomach capacity creates mechanical restriction to limit meal size. At first glance, one may assume that the smaller the meal size the better the weight loss. Gastric sleeve surgery, however, is not simply a restrictive procedure like Lap Band. Gastric sleeve surgery is a metabolic procedure that alters several hormones secreted by the stomach and intestines that affect your appetite, satiety, metabolism and ultimately weight loss. Aggressive gastric sleeve resection destroys stomach function and rather than promoting weight loss it results in acid reflux development.
Consequently, Bariatric surgeons at Houston Weight Loss Surgery Center, pay special attention to gastric sleeve surgical technique to maximize weight loss while minimizing side effects. Gastric sleeve is gently contoured to result in a straight sleeve lumen with no twisting or narrowing. A concomitant hiatal hernia is repaired to avoid the development of acid reflux after sleeve gastrectomy.
By paying attention to surgical technique, our bariatric patients have been able to achieve maximal weight loss results with no heartburn and no food regurgitation. Recovery from surgery has been smooth and uneventful.
To summarize, not all sleeves are created equal. Weight loss outcome and post-operative quality of life greatly depends on surgical technique. Understanding gastric sleeve surgery mechanism of action and appreciating its metabolic effects are crucial to successful outcomes.